가트너, 10대 혁신 기술(Disruptive Technology) 제시

o 가트너에서 10대 혁신 기술(Disruptive technology)에 대한 비전 제시
- 연구에 따르면 가상 세계, 사회적 소프트웨어(social software), 매쉬업(mash- up), 멀티코어 프로세싱, 그리고 점차 중요성이 커지고 있는 전력 및 환경 이슈들 이 향후 5년에 걸쳐 IT 산업의 모습을 형성할 것으로 전망

◆ 10대 혁신 기술 (Disruptive Technology)
▷ 멀티코어(Multicore)
▷ 웹 플랫폼(Web Platforms)
▷ 사용자 인터페이스(User Interface)
▷ 웹 매쉬업(Web mashups)
▷ 사회적 소프트웨어(Social Software)
▷ 테라 아키텍처(Tera-Architecture)
▷ 전력 및 그린 IT(Power and Green IT)
▷ 네트워크 바이러스 월(NVW: Network Virus Wall)
▷ 비디오(Video)
▷ 시맨틱(Semantics)

o 가트너는 이번 연구를 통해 CIO들에게 최고의 직원으로 구성된 혁신 팀을 구성하여 그들에게 새로운 아이디어 및 혁신에 대해 연구할 시간을 주도록 권고

o 가트너 부사장 앤디 카이트(Andy Kyte)는 혁신 기술을 도입하고 활용함에 있어 CIO 역할의 중요성을 강조

- CIO는 비즈니스와 기술을 연결하는 역할을 해야 하며, CIO는 데이터 센터 운영 등 단순한 정보시스템 관리에 중점을 두는 것이 아니라 수 년 안에 광범위하게 사용될 수 있는 기술을 찾아내고 사업에 적용하는 노력이 필요

o 또한 기업들이 새로운 기술을 활용함에 있어 에너지 절약, 자연 환경 보호, 정보 보안 등 기술 외적인 제약점을 합리적으로 해결할 것을 권고함


Analyst firm points to multicores, avatars and power to set the scene for IT future.

Virtual worlds, social software and mash-ups, as well as the growth of multi-core processing and increasingly, power and environmental issues will shape the IT industry over the next five years, according to analyst firm Gartner.

The firm has shared its vision for the 10 most disruptive technologies with IT PRO ahead of its European Symposium/ITexpo which takes place later this month in Barcelona. Gartner believes that CIOs and IT directors need to take heed of emerging technologies, or risk being caught out by the demands of both their business colleagues and their customers.

"Gartner has analysts working in 84 different research groups," said Andy Kyte, vice president and Gartner Fellow. "But the future is not just about those silos but about the disruptive effect of the combination of those different technologies and trends that might not be visible to those working in IT's deeper mineshafts."

Some of the technologies that Gartner lists - such as multi-core computer processors - are already establishing themselves among businesses.

Others, including networked virtual worlds such as Second Life, are still at the edge of most companies' visions for technology. The push for disruptive technologies, including video and social software, is coming from customers and employees rather than a company's IT organisation or its board.

Gartner recommends that CIOs set up virtual teams of their best staff, and give them time to spend researching new ideas and innovations, especially those that are being driven by consumer and Web 2.0 technologies.

"The CIO needs to set up an innovation centre within the IT organisation with the brightest and smartest people, and give them a licence to spend some of their time looking at these technologies," suggested Kyte.

"The CIO then needs to act as a conduit from the business to the technology. He or she needs to see how it might be possible to use these technologies to solve a problem the business has identified."

Adopting any one, or even all, of the technologies Gartner identifies will not guarantee business success however. According to Kyte, CIOs who see their jobs as to "keep the data centre running, plan business continuity and find technology toys to show to people" will not survive.

Instead, CIOs will have to think beyond the constraints of conventional IT, in order to identify the technologies that might be in widespread use a few years from now. "We might still be at the DOS 1.1 stage of technologies such as networked virtual worlds, but the CIO needs to know when to put the foot on the accelerator," Kyte said.

At the same time, Gartner also cautions that companies will growing face constraints on their use of technology, especially in terms of power consumption, its environmental impact and security.

"We have been profligate in our use of technology since the arrival of client-server architecture," said Kyte। "And companies will have to walk a tightrope between delivering the new Internet technologies consumers want and dealing with the additional security threats these will bring."

Top 10 Disruptive Technologies

Web Platforms
User Interface
Web mashups
Social Software
Power and Green IT

Source: Gartner

가트너, 10대 혁신 기술(Disruptive Technology) 제시 : 글로벌 IT 네트워크

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